Together We
Will Build
A Better

My Promise

I believe Norfolk’s best days are ahead of us. 

Imagine a city where innovation meets inclusivity, neighborhoods flourish, and opportunities abound. 

I am running for mayor because we cannot wait another day to build that city, a safe and prosperous Norfolk, for all of us, especially our children. Let us create a city that gives them the bright future they deserve–full of opportunities and pathways to success. 

I come from humble roots and learned at an early age to be genuine, hardworking, perceptive, and loyal. I completed a vo-tech program at Granby High School, worked as a master electrician, and started my own business. When I discovered my talent for listening and relating to people, I changed my path and learned to be a financial advisor. I worked hard and moved up the ladder at an investment firm and became a partner. 

I am proud of the life my wife Meg and I have built for our two sons. We worked and sacrificed to create opportunities for them.  

Now, I am ready to work with you and for you to forge a path to a brighter future. Norfolk’s next chapter will be fueled by unity, progress, and compassion. Your voice matters, and with your support, together we can create a Norfolk where everyone thrives.

I am asking for your vote so I can start working for YOU.

Tommy's Signature

My Priorities


We can transform our children's future with more dollars going to the schools that need it most, more student consistency, and holistic programming.

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Public safety is the top issue on the minds of Norfolk residents, and the next Mayor must take thoughtful, swift, and decisive action to restore safety in our communities.

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Food insecurity can lead to reduced quality of life and health problems. We need to work together to create a multi-faceted approach, including economic support and food access programs.

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Qualityaffordable housing is essential to building vibrant communities and ensuring everyone in Norfolk has the opportunity to thrive.

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Norfolk is a city of neighborhoods, and if we empower local business owners and attract new enterprises, our communities will thrive and grow.

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Sea level rise isn't just a distant threat, it's a pressing challenge for our coastal city. I'm committed to protecting our community and working together to build a resilient future for future generations.

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Move Norfolk Forward

Tommy Leeman talking to resident